V. 12:14 (661-664): GlobalView Version 5.1 by John Sweeney

V. 12:14 (661-664): GlobalView Version 5.1 by John Sweeney
Item# \V12\C14\R661.PDF
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Product Description

GlobalView Version 5.1

by John Sweeney

As taken with real-time trading support systems as STOCKS & COMMODITIES has been of late, it's no wonder that GlobalView, today's successor to one of the original computerized trading systems, eventually showed upon our review desk. Now, I'm used to seeing impressive analytical capabilities as well as quotes and graphs. However, GlobalView forces a new idea on me: shipping the data to Microsoft Excel/Lotus 1-2-3/Quattro spreadsheets, where the user — the customer, that is — can apply his or her programming and analytical skills.

GlobalView fits in this niche. It may even be the whole niche. GlobalView's unique virtue is that it's open to running efficiently on just about any network with many popular datafeeds. It uses a client-server architecture, but keeps network traffic down to data requests. Although it runs, and was reviewed, in standalone mode, its usual setup is as part of a network, where processing is done at the "seat" -- where the human user is. This points GlobalView squarely at the multistation, institutional market.

That and the pricing.

GlobalView is priced modularly. You buy a server and stations, unless you are a single station, in which case everything is in one machine. In addition, GlobalView permits some stations to be part-time for less money. Thus, if you have people who don't need to be on constantly, you may buy a lower-priced seat with somewhat restricted access. Even the software is priced individually. Purchasers and users can lease just what they need on a monthly rental.

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