V. 12:14 (644-646): Trading Recipes Version 2.05 by Robert D. Flori

V. 12:14 (644-646): Trading Recipes Version 2.05 by Robert D. Flori
Item# \V12\C14\R644.PDF
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Product Description

Trading Recipes Version 2.05

by Robert D. Flori

How many of us haven't spent huge chunks of time trying to develop a good trading system for one market? Have you ever wanted to test your systems across several markets? In this regard, Trading Recipes is a breath of fresh air. Instead of testing a trading system on a single security, the program will test the results of any trading system you devise on your entire portfolio. After four years of development, the now-completed software is truly unique.

This program is especially helpful for futures traders because it provides multimarket and multiposition simulations, complete with money management. For example, if you're trading several currencies, live cattle, cocoa and corn, what you really want to know is how the system you develop will fare, including the money management over the collection of markets at the same time. Trading Recipes analyzes your combined portfolio, giving you a complete accounting of the results and graphs all the things you need to know.


As soon as I installed the program, I entered my present trading system and tested it with the parameters I've been using most recently. My system involves moderately active trading in common stocks. The results punctured my ego, as I quickly learned that my system was not as good as I thought it was and more refinements are needed. To find out something like this is worth the price of the program!

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