V. 12:14 (647-648): MegaTech Chart System Version 2.03

V. 12:14 (647-648): MegaTech Chart System Version 2.03
Item# \V12\C14\R647.PDF
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Product Description

MegaTech Chart System Version 2.03

Sraightforward charting and technicalsÑ that's the story with MegaTech Chart System. Inspired by its genesis as a pit-side technical program at the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT), MegaTech is a throwback to the days when keyboard control and menus could get fast typists where they wanted to go with little fuss and a lot of speed.

You open any session by constructing the windows you want. You may construct as many as 16 by subdividing the original window and you may size them using a clever scheme of a divider manipulated with your keyboard's directional arrows. Or you can use your mouse, which, by selecting items from the menu, can achieve the same ends as the keyboard actions.

Once your windows are created, you fill them with your trading items . It's worth noting that data for MegaTech can come from a wide variety of sources, but the most favored is Knight-Ridder, whose program can download and dump the data in MegaTech's Pro format. In addition, MegaTech can read historical data from Knight-Ridder's CRB InfoTech, a compact disk that has daily cash and commodity prices, some going back as far as 1946 (see sidebar, "Knight-Ridder's CRB InfoTech"). The program doesn't read other data directly in their native formats or home directories, but it does come with conversion utilities that move the data into the super fast binary files in which MegaTech stores things. You save space and speed up the program.

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