V. 12:14 (649-650): Evolver Version 2.1 by Lou Mendelsohn

V. 12:14 (649-650): Evolver Version 2.1 by Lou Mendelsohn
Item# \V12\C14\R649.PDF
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Product Description

Evolver Version 2.1

by Lou Mendelsohn

Recent advancements in computer and telecommunications technologies have made the globalization of today's financial markets easier. Already, sophisticated traders, cognizant of the influence of related markets on one another, are incorporating intermarket analysis in their trading decisions through a variety of means ranging from simple chart analysis to methods of performing statistical linear correlations. Yet the intermarket relationships hidden in this data are often quite complex and not readily apparent, while the scope of analysis is virtually unlimited.

As a result of the growing use of intermarket analysis, technical analysts and research-oriented traders are turning to various advanced computer technologies to analyze this data more effectively so as to trade more profitably. Neural networks is one tool that has generated a great deal of interest because it addresses the nonlinear nature of the financial markets. Genetic algorithms (GAs) offer a general-purpose tool for performing search and optimization functions. GAs, in addition to standalone systems, are an excellent tool that can be used with other technologies including neural networks, machine learning systems and genetic programming. One provider of commercially available genetic algorithm software is Axc• lis, which offers a genetic algorithm program called Evolver.

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