V. 12:14 (626-630): Top Vest by John Sweeney

V. 12:14 (626-630): Top Vest by John Sweeney
Item# \V12\C14\R626.PDF
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Product Description

Top Vest

by John Sweeney

My first glance at TopVest wasn't reassuring. The jagged-lettered logo be spoke Dos, and the garish red-white-yellow blue color scheme wasn't exactly high style. Fortunately, most of my misgivings were wrong. TopYest, though thoroughly dependent on Dos, turned out to be an easy study and capable of major analytical feats I'd been dreaming about recently.

Whether it's old age or boredom, I'd been wanting to enhance my analysis with fundamental input as well as technical. Looking at the capabilities of products and analysts' published research of this nature made me want a convenient package to bring the two worlds together. TopVest is not quite that dream package, but it's clearly along the same thoughts. It's an industrial-strength Telescan for commercial applications. In size, speed, capability and, yes, price, it is simply huge.

It would be nice in the modern world to have integrated access to worldwide pricing of major markets (equity, debt, commodities, currencies), and fundamentals of each (company data, economic data) using modern interactive graphic displays of the data. Savant makes a serious stab at this for publicly held US companies. It can supply most fundamental data on more than 10,000 US symbols, and its associated vendors can supply the pricing data for technical analysis.

Once all the numbers are on hand, Top Vest will scan the data for anomalies (splits, gaps, unreasonable values) and notify you of anything needing validation. Top Vest deserves great credit for the successful execution of this refresh feature.

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