V. 12:14 (623-624): Options Laboratory by John Sweeney
Product Description
Options Laboratory
by John Sweeney
A truly facile options analysis program is a joy for the analyst. Assuming the data input hassle is
handled in a straightforward fashion, the analytical computations handled smoothly and results presented
colorfully makes the position's potential sweetly apparent.
One very thoughtful program, and one that handles the education of the options trader as well as his
positions, is Mantic Software's Options Laboratory. Options Laboratory comes with a well-designed
Windows interface that ran for me with no problems. Data input, though it can be in any sequence, is
completely standard and thus easy. Each step is suggested by a prompt line, so that all the essentials are
entered. Where the program can provide clickable input (like strike prices), it does. All this doesn't
overcome the tedium of manual entry completely, but it certainly helps. Thrown in are automatic
calculations of fees, a true grace note.
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