V. 12:14 (603-604): The Director Series MetaStock Utilities, Version 2 by John Sweeney

V. 12:14 (603-604): The Director Series MetaStock Utilities, Version 2 by John Sweeney
Item# \V12\C14\R603.PDF
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Product Description

The Director Series MetaStock Utilities, Version 2

by John Sweeney

Trading systems have always had seductive powers, most powerfully expressed after you see a 350% one-year return on a historical test. Such visions of wealth encourage adrenaline surges! Despite that euphoria, the trading systems subindustry is remarkably small. There are far more advisors, money managers and newsletters than there are system vendors. Why? Because even if you buy a system, you must pull the trigger and pull it consistently. Folks find that difficult. Larry Williams once told me that of 100-odd people who had bought one of his systems, fewer than five followed it one year later, even though it had had a successful year. Phil Gotthelf recounted similar statistics discussing COMMODEX.

One step back from buying a system is building and testing your own, which is Nirvana's pitch. Using MetaStock's system-testing facility, Nirvana essentially automates the tedious process of checking systems against data files, comparing systems to each other, optimizing systems and also supports generating trading signals on a daily basis as well as simple trade-tracking. Nirvana does this with a package of utilities feeding MetaStock commands at the com- puter's speeds, which are likely to be faster than your fingers.

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