V. 12:14 (595-597): StreetSmart Version 1.0 by John Sweeney

V. 12:14 (595-597): StreetSmart Version 1.0 by John Sweeney
Item# \V12\C14\R595.PDF
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Product Description

StreetSmart Version 1.0

by John Sweeney

Charles Schwab & Co. has always focused on the independent investor, so it's only natural that the company's come out with more software for the self-reliant decision-maker. StreetSmart, available now for both Windows 3.1 and Macintosh, is the latest effort to succeed The Equalizer, a text-interface effort. Schwab focuses on providing a complete trading package. StreetSmart starts with getting the orders in for stocks, bonds, mutual funds or options (Figure 1)Ñ no futuresÑ and then throwing in the research, position monitoring and portfolio management, leaving the analytical work out. Some pricey essentials have been thrown in free (like telecommunications with Schwab), but other than that, this is a package focused on fundamentals.

Let me expound on that. You may certainly gather quotes, company news, financials and statistics from Standard & Poor's and Dow Jones via StreetSmart, but the modern version of hot tips also abound. Topics on MarketScope include analysts spotlighting marketmovers, with plenty of views and news. The latest stocks touted in the news media are tracked, the S&P's stock appreciation ranking system (STARS) ranking can be accessed and there are even stocks of the week!

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