V. 12:14 (598-602): MetaStock And MetaStock Real-Time Version 4.0 by John Sweeney

V. 12:14 (598-602): MetaStock And MetaStock Real-Time Version 4.0 by John Sweeney
Item# \V12\C14\R598.PDF
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Product Description

MetaStock And MetaStock Real-Time Version 4.0

by John Sweeney

The hunt for your software dollar is continuing to heat up-as EQUIS International fields the latest upgrade, version 4.0 of MetaStock, the all-time heavyweight champion in the technical analysis field. By now, MetaStock is such an accepted arbiter that other vendors defer to its data format and its formulary as industry standards.

MetaStock 4.0 plows some strong new ground for EQUIS, which already was the leader in the industry. For one thing, this new version, 4.0, creates a more graphic interface (Figure 1), replete with toolbars (those little icons at the top of the screen for one-click access to features), three-dimensional menus and close/maximize/restore buttons on the windows. Even so; MetaStock's traditional functionality from the keyboard and pulldown menus has been retained, an ability that established MetaStock users relish. The icons just give people a third way to get at the program's power.


The second big area is the option worksheet, which allows you to feed in options' prices, strikes, dates and volatility to calculate future values and all the related greeks (Figure 2). Conversely, you could supply the price and MetaStock will compute the volatility. This, a great convenience for traders who want to see what six different alternatives might yield, is yet a simple tool with no graphics and no links to actual data files that would facilitate calculation of historical volatility or updating strategies from current prices.

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