V. 12:14 (587-591): Product Review: Windows On WallStreet Version 2.1 by John Sweeney

V. 12:14 (587-591): Product Review: Windows On WallStreet Version 2.1 by John Sweeney
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Product Description

Product Review: Windows On WallStreet Version 2.1

by John Sweeney

Fight! Fight! With Windows on WallStreet, MarketArts has jumped into the technical analysis software fray. Traders are now in the middle of an all-out battle for their assets. In return, what they get out of it is easy data access, super graphics, platoons of indicators, system definition and testing, cheaper software and, hopefully, profits.


Thankfully, the process of installing the program and bringing your data up to speed is bug-free and easy, a typical Windows installation process. Proceeding to the excruciating job of filling the inevitable holes in your data, Windows on WallStreet (Wows) checks your data and today's date and orders up everything necessary to bring you current. You'll give Wows your local phone access numbers for Dial Data, CompuServe, Dow Jones or GEnie as well as the obligatory account numbers and passwords. (Notice you don't have to load a separate program to get your data. A full-service communications package is built into Wows.) Then click "Dial." That's it.

I think the next millennium has finally arrived!

WOWS is facile with data formats. It can read CSI, Dow Jones, MetaStock, TeleChart 2000 and AIQ directly. It can't update anything but its own files and MetaStock files. The process requires two phone calls, or you can write a macro to make it a one-step process. Being able to read data files in their native formats should be required these days, but not all programs offer it. Wows does well at it, though selecting a CSI file from a large directory is tough because the selection window shows nothing but the file's name—and I have 22 Treasury bond futures data files.

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