V. 12:14 (576-579): Telescan System Version 3.0 by Jack Karczewski

V. 12:14 (576-579): Telescan System Version 3.0 by Jack Karczewski
Item# \V12\C14\R576.PDF
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Product Description

Telescan System Version 3.0

by Jack Karczewski

Over the past two years, I've met and spoken with many professional money managers and portfolio managers. These financial professionals all had one thing in common: they all had a methodology they followed regarding their investment strategy. The heart of their technique involved a screening phase at some phase of their approach. Whether they screened stocks based on price/earnings ratios, balance sheet items or relationships to the market, they all had the means to screen for the criteria they were interested in. The universe of stocks that one contends with on a daily basis almost requires a screening device to determine the pertinent investments. The Telescan System is such a device.

The Telescan System is a software package consisting of a number of programs or modules and databases that can be accessed based on user specifications. The database consists of statistical and textual information on more than 8,000 stocks, 2,000 mutual funds, 197 industry groups, 560 market indices, 40,000 options and more than 1,000 futures/commodities. The database contains historical price and volume data back to 1973. In addition, such text and report services such as Zack's Investment Service and S&P MarketScope are available.

The Telescan Analyzer is a program that offers charting capabilities (Figure 1) of technical and fundamental analysis. It has more than 80 technical and fundamental indicators. Its fundamental indicators can be plotted as historical values, ratios and valuation channels.

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