V. 12:14 (570-571): Matlab Neural Network Toolbox by Lou Mendelsohn
Product Description
MATLAB Neural Network Toolbox
by Lou Mendelsohn
The Neural Network Toolbox is one of 15 application-specific software toolboxes designed to run in the MATLAB technical computing environment. (See the product review for MATLAB for Windows 4.0.)
Designed as a tool for industry, education and research, it provides the user with a means of developing various neural networks and graphically analyzing both their training process and results.
When installed, the functions that the Toolbox provides are seamlessly integrated into MATLAB. The
Neural Network Toolbox is composed of a number of M-files, which are the standard script and function files for MATLAB, which in turn are written in ASCII. This means that the user can directly examine the inner workings of all the toolbox functions and examples. Using these files as guides, the user can experiment with the Toolbox to become familiar with the product.
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