V. 12:13 (565-565): Quick-Scans: THE SPIRAL CALENDAR

V. 12:13 (565-565): Quick-Scans: THE SPIRAL CALENDAR
Item# \V12\C13\Q565.PDF
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With The Spiral Calendar, Christopher Carolan has done gargantuan work to help give meaning to Larry Williams's advice of 20 years ago, "Buy the full moon and sell the new moon." Trading books that are method-specific usually have the guts of the method in one or two chapters, and this book is no different. Even so, it is divided into 11 chapters, sports a lengthy foreword by Robert R. Prechter Jr. and an appendix but no index. The meat and potatoes of the theory of the spiral calendar can be found in chapters 4 and 6. For additional information, however, reference to other chapters and the appendix is a must if you wish to understand, double-check and calculate the steps of the intricate forecasting methods described in chapter 6.

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