V. 12:13 (545-545): Quick-Scans: Q-TRAX FOR WINDOWS
Product Description
Q-Trax from EDMS makes the most of the Windows environment
With the proliferation of programming talent and better programming languages as well as increasingly
sophisticated operating systems, there ought to be more and more capable, cheap software. Q-Trax is
evidence that the laws of economics still hold.
Q-Trax throws in charting, comparison charts, 36 indicators (including zig-zag, TRIX and volatility),
trendlines and candlesticks, all operating under the Windows environment (Figures 1 and 2). Windows is
certainly the fastest route to a variety of windows, all arranged on the spot by you. And all this is available for 80% less than the $350 or more that is typical of many other analytical packages.
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