V.18:12 (24-30): Trading Andrews Lines by John W. Chandler

V.18:12 (24-30): Trading Andrews Lines by John W. Chandler
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Product Description

Trading Andrews Lines by John W. Chandler

If you’ve ever wanted to know how to use the Andrews pitchfork technique, movement to movement, this should help you.

About 20 years ago, I first learned about the work of Alan Andrews and his pitchfork charting technique. The concept seemed fairly straightforward; you start with a sequence of three turning points identified as the most significant highs and lows of the time frame you are working in. This can be either a high (A), low (B), high (C) or a low (A), high (B), low (C). (See Figure 1.) Next, you draw a line between the last two turning points (B and C), find the midpoint of that line (D)and draw a line from A, through D, and extend it to the right as far as needed (E). Then, extend the BC line both up and down by a distance equal to B-C in each direction, the endpoints of which I can label as B1 and C1. Now, draw lines from B1 and C1 to the right and each parallel to the ADE line. This forms a type of angled pitchfork set of lines where the lines from B1, D, and C1 are all parallel to each other. Additional parallel lines of B2 and C2 and so forth can be added, but I’ve never bothered with the extensions of even B1 and C1.

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