V. 1:2 (32-35): SIDEBAR: RESEARCH in Progress:

V. 1:2 (32-35): SIDEBAR: RESEARCH in Progress:
Item# \V01\C02\RESEAR.PDF
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Product Description

RESEARCH in Progress:

To make this research periodical a viable and useful tool to the investor, we plan to offer a broad spectrum of information. The centerpiece of each issue will be feature articles on specific numerical or graphical technical analysis techniques with emphasis on application to trading stocks or commodities.

ADAPTIVE FILTER: A short-term forecasting technique that computes optimum weighted moving averages is concurrently under development for use with stocks or commodity historical data. This study will calculate an optimum weighting of past observations (weighted moving average) such that forecast error will be minimized. This procedure will allow calculation of probable error, from the hypothetical future forecast line.

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