V. 1:2 (25-25): In This Issue.

V. 1:2 (25-25): In This Issue.
Item# \V01\C02\INTHIS.PDF
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Product Description

In This Issue.

The Intra-day Analyst is a computer system for technical analysis of the market during the trading day. We regret that an article describing this system was not available to meet our January printing deadline. Typically, articles and advertising must be received 30 days prior to the month that they will appear. The Intra-Day Analysts systems was designed by the same individuals who developed the Compu Trac System. It has been almost two years since its first release and is now a major stand-alone trading tool.

With this issue we intitiate a new ongoing forum for exchange of stock or commodity trading techniques. Fourier analysis is covered in TWO articles: Scholarly background is discussed in Anthony Warren's "A MiniGuide to Fourier Spectrum Analysis" and Application is touched on in our article "Using Fourier Analysis". We recommend that you read both articles in this order and then test run the computer program while re-reading both articles again. "Moving Averages" a Technical Review is intended to present an overview of existing studies and their dependence on the moving average or related functions. "Letters to Technical Analysis" will help us keep you appraised of others viewpoints and needs as well as get your word out to all of us. Letters from you, our subscribers, are a great help in defining the direction of our research and type of presentation. And last but not least, Eric Weiss has outdone himself in continuing a series of introductory articles in "ARIMA Forecasting" about the Box-Jenkins methodology for selection of AutoRegressive Integrated Moving Average forecasting models.

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