V. 11:14 (620-623): WAVE WI$E Market Spreadsheet Version 6.0a by John Sweeney

V. 11:14 (620-623): WAVE WI$E Market Spreadsheet Version 6.0a by John Sweeney
Item# \V11\C14\PR620.PDF
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Product Description

WAVE WI$E Market Spreadsheet Version 6.0a by John Sweeney


PO Box 403

Raritan, NJ 08869

Phone: 908 369-7503

Product: Technical analysis package for Windows

Equipment requirements: IBM-compatible 386 or better CPU, hard drive and a 1.2 MB floppy. Microsoft Windows 3.0 or later. V GA monitor; 2 MB RAM or more. Mouse and coprocessor optional but recommended.

Data formats: WAV E WI $ E , Commodity Systems Inc. (CCI), CompuTrac, MetaStock, TC2000, ASCII, Excel and Symphony.

Price: $150

The spreadsheet is on its way to becoming the paradigm format for information display and manipulation. It is at least from my viewpoint — I use one for accounting, one for scheduling, one for contacts management, one for project management, one for job assignments — you get the idea. I've written before about the relative ease, for techies anyway, of using spread-sheets instead of hard coding unique indicators, and more programs are making this facility available. In fact, WAV E WI$E is built around a spreadsheet (Figure 1). Lest the numerically disgusted among us be turned off by this, let me immediately point out that this is a much-simplified specimen of the spreadsheet species. Many capabilities of today's how to get the menu to function. Though super powered spread-sheets are not available in WAVE WI$E, the result being a tool that most traders will like.

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