V. 11:14 (607-609): HNeT Discovery Package Version 1.3 by Lou Mendelsohn

V. 11:14 (607-609): HNeT Discovery Package Version 1.3 by Lou Mendelsohn
Item# \V11\C14\PR607.PDF
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Product Description

HNeT Discovery Package Version 1.3 by Lou Mendelsohn


2140 Winston Park Drive, suite 202

Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6H 5V5

Phone: 905 829-0788

Fax: 905 829-0790

Product: Windows application designed to create, train and test neural networks using holographic neural technology.

Equipment requirements: IBM compatible with an 80386 or higher processor. A 80387 math coprocessor recommended for 80386 or 80486 SX processors. 4 megabytes RAM required and minimum megabytes of hard drive space. VGA/XGA display adapter and monitor. Microsoft Windows 3.0 or higher; Microsoft-compatible mouse. Printer recommended but not required.

Price: $295.

The neural network system most frequently used for financial forecasting is the feedforward back-propagation network that is offered in most commercial neural network development tools such as BrainMaker and NeuralWorks. While this system has been successfully applied to a wide range of tasks, its training time on complex problems such as financial market forecasting can be considerable. Toward fulfilling the goal of reducing training time, a new development tool called HNeT Discovery Package sports a network paradigm referred to as holographic neural technology. Through the use of this system, HNeT finds near-optimal solutions in substantially less training time than back-propagation networks on similar applications. In addition, HNeT contains several other features of interest to neural network developers.

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