V. 11:14 (603-606): Advanced GET Version 5.0 by Barbara Star, Ph.D.

V. 11:14 (603-606): Advanced GET Version 5.0 by Barbara Star, Ph.D.
Item# \V11\C14\PR603.PDF
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Product Description

Advanced GET Version 5.0 by Barbara Star, Ph.D.


677 Turkeyfoot Lake Road

Akron, OH 44319

Phone: 216 645-0077

Product: Automatic Elliott wave and Gann analysis package, plus other technical indicators for stocks, commodities, indices and mutual funds.

Developer: Tom Joseph

Programmers: Eric Scott Hunsader, Michael Phillips

Equipment requirements: IBM compatible 386/486. Uses approximately 6 megabytes of hard-drive space. This program cannot be run from floppies. 512 RAM minimum; 2 megabytes recommended. DOS 3.2 or higher. Mouse required (Microsoft compatible). Supports EGA/VGA/SVGA, but does not support Hercules. Epson-compatible dot matrix or PostScript Hewlett-Packard LaserJet compatible printer, and both DeskJet and DeskWriter printers (including color). Data formats: Supports CSI, CompuTrac, Future Source, Genesis, MetaStock, Technical Tools and standard ASCII.

Optional: Videotaped seminar that demonstrates trading techniques using the features in the program.

Price: $2,750, free demo disk. Videotaped seminar is $200 if purchased with software.

Advanced GET underwent major programming surgery since its last review in STOCKS & COMMODITIES. The result: totally awesome features and graphics, not only for commodity traders, as in earlier versions, but for stock and mutual fund traders as well. This fully mouse-driven DOS-based program now sports icons and a graphic user interface that permits multiple windows to be displayed and resized on the same screen. Among the many features included are automatic Elliott wave counts, automatic Gann pivot points, angle lines and clusters . In addition, a search feature scans a portfolio to see which securities meet any or all of several technical parameters. Plus there is an automatic cycle finder, price and time analysis, seasonal patterns and correlations for stocks and commodities and price pattern matching.

The features don't stop there. You can create candlestick charting and analysis, use technical analysis indicators and studies, including a trend-finding index created by developer Tom Joseph and, with a Sound Blaster card, even the ability to record voice comments or observations on each chart.

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