V. 11:14 (597-600): TechniFilter Plus version 7.1 by John Sweeney

V. 11:14 (597-600): TechniFilter Plus version 7.1 by John Sweeney
Item# \V11\C14\PR597.PDF
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Product Description

TechniFilter Plus version 7.1 by John Sweeney


19 W. Hargett Street, #204

Raleigh, NC 27601

Phone: 919 829-0786

Fax: 919 829-0891

Product: Technical analysis screening, reporting and system-testing package.

Equipment requirements: IBM AT or PS/2 compatible with 640K RAM. CGA/EGA/VGA or Hercules graphics adapter; hard disk drive with at least 2 MB available memory; IBM Proprinter, Epson dot matrix or Hewlett-Packard LaserJet printer; DOS 3.1 or later, but 5.0 is recommended. Compatible with Windows 3.1. Hasn't been officially tested under OS/2, but it ran well for us.

Data sources: MetaStock, Dow Jones, CompuTrac, Savant (Technical Investor), Inmark (Market Maker), TC2000.

Price: $399

"The Technical Analyst's Dream Machine" is what developer RTR Software bills TechniFilter Plus as. Indeed, the aspirations are great: match issues with specific technical patterns, create indicators that no other package can match, test buy/sell strategies, optimize strategies, chart the indicators and strategies and do it all automagically, without human hand-holding.

RTR Software has always been a purist's delight. The company developed TechniFilter in the early days of computerized technical analysis, and driving force Clay Burch has consistently improved it, all the while publishing one of the best company newsletters available. Every other month, the newsletter comes up with new indicators or trading systems. For those developing systems, the newsletter alone is a must-read.

Now, along with the TechniFilter Plus package comes RTR'S "Reports, Strategies and Formulas," a compilation of formulas for just about anything, screening reports and 18 trading strategies, all of which have been developed and tested over the years that RTR has published TechniFilter Plus and its newsletter. Together with a manual that's doubled in size since its introduction, it's a sweet package for a very reasonable price.

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