Product Description
Enhanced Chartist
Macintosh, version 2.73a
—John Sweeney, Technical Editor
619 North 500 West
Provo, UT 84601-1547
Phone: 800 433-4276, 801 375-6850
Fax: 801 373-2775
Product: Real-time data acquisition and technical analysis package.
Price: $1,295 plus $395 a year.
Equipment requirements: Apple Macintosh II or better, 2 megabytes free RAM, RS232 serial cable
for datafeed from satelIite or FM receiver, 30 MB or more hard disk drive. In addition, the Chartist can
use any Macintosh-compatible printing device, any high-resolution Mac-compatible large screen and
up to six Mac-compatible monitors. (This product is also available for IBM-compatible machines.)
The last time I saw the Chartist series for the Macintosh was Master Chartist. This was back when it
was one of the pioneers of the Macintosh world, using the superb built-in drawing and 72 dots-per-inch
screen to produce better graphics than anything that DOS could provide. Of course, the situation is much
more competitive now, and Enhanced Chartist is a much more powerful package, obviously fine-tuned
over the years to users' needs. But it still takes good advantage of the Mac platform, though in many
senses, its programming hearkens back to those years.
Installation, for instance, can be somewhat tricky. The manual for the Enhanced Chartist needs to be
updated, as it is currently incomplete and on occasion inaccurate, although I'm told an update is in the
works. Getting data setup requires hand-holding from developers Roberts-Slade, and there was no way to
import existing data to match up with the new data. There is a utility available from Roberts-Slade, but it
was not included in the package. Do not let this discourage you. Once you get past this, the Enhanced
Chartist is a beauty to use on a day-to-day basis.