V. 11:14 (586-589): SuperCharts Version 1.03 by Robert D. Flori
Product Description
Version 1.03
by Robert D. Flori
9200 Sunset Drive
Miami, FL 33173
305 270-1095 or 800 556-2022
Product: Windows-based technical analysis software.
Price: Program and manuals, $295
Equipment: IBM compatible, 286 or faster, 5MB hard disk space; Dos 3.0 (5.0 recommended);
Windows 3.0 (3.1 recommended); Microsoft-compatible mouse.
SuperCharts is to a DOS-based graphing program as a racehorse is to a Shetland pony. For Windows
users, this program is hard to beat. It's fast, it's easy and it's very powerful. After you get the defaults set
the way you like, 90% of your work will be done with the mouse and icons—not the keyboard.
Installation is a breeze . When my package arrived, I followed the directions and put the disks in drive A:, typed SETUP, put in my name plus the serial number of the package and that was it. A minute or so later
SuperCharts was installed, with a separate group window sporting an icon for SuperCharts itself, another
for connection to Omega Research's electronic bulletin board—a nice touch—and a third for its built-in
tutorial. Voilà. That was it.
The 267-page spiral-bound manual is clear and concise. Because I've seen a lot Of programs, I 've
developed into a manual reader, but SuperCharts' developers understand that most of SuperCharts '
potential customers are not. To help the "I won't read a manual even if my life depends on it" group,
Omega also provides a slim 58-page booklet called Getting Started. It's a tutorial in hard copy that steps
you through all the important functions in apainless way. In addition, Omega offers a videocassette
narrated by Bill Cruz, Omega Research's president. Although the sound on my copy wasn't top quality,
Cruz does a fine job of illustrating just how SuperCharts can be used.
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