Product Description
AIQ TradingExpert 2.5
by John Sweeney
916 Southwood Boulevard
PO Box 7530
Incline Village, NV 89450
Phone: 702 831-2999, 800 332-2999
Product: Artificial intelligence trading signals with graphics, canned technical indicators, portfolio
management and options analysis. Works with market timing, equities, indices, index options and
equity options.
Price: $996; $1,245 with index or stock options capability. 30-day trial package, $88.
Equipment: IBM PS/2, 286, 386 or true compatible; DOS 3.0 or later; 640K RAM (can use expanded
extended memory with LIM 3.2 or greater); Hayes-compatible modem; IBM/Epson-compatible graphics
printer or HP printer; 20 MB-plus hard disk space; graphics board and monitor. Appears to run under
Windows or OS/2, but AIQ does not support this yet.
Datafeed: IDC, Dial Data, Dow Jones News/Retrieval
Fads come and go in trading, but certain stick-to-it personalities persist. Knowledge engineer J.D.
Smith is still driving AIQ Incorporated and its similarly named products on to bigger and better things.
The latest of these is AIQ TradingExpert, the follow-up to AIQ StockExpert, AIQ IndexExpert, AIQ
OptionExpert and AIQ MarketExpert.
All these hold the view that enough rules, consistently applied, significantly increase the chances of a
good call. The opposing statistical view is that too many rules overly fit the decisions to past data,
thereby actually reducing reliability. For AIQ Inc., though, the classic artificial intelligence argument
marches on; AIQ TradingExpert is a new and improved version of StockExpert and MarketExpert. It
attempts to blend 160 rules for predicting broad market behavior with those forecasting the behavior of
individual stocks.
Within the elaborate network of rules, TradingExpert tries to come up with situations where it's highly
likely there will be a change in the direction of price. TradingExpert is said to evaluate whether the
market is trending up or down, cresting or not, and then examines all the price, volume and breadth
information available to come up with the likelihood of change. Some of this is available for your review
as examples; in addition, hitting a "?" will generate an English explanation of what triggered the signal.
This will usually be the news that an exponentially smoothed average has headed north or south. The
complexities of 160 nodes are not revealed. It's all summarized in two little numbers on the lower right of
your screen (Figure 1).