V. 11:14 (571-572): Option Pro Version 1.0 John Sweeney
Product Description
Option Pro
Version 1.0
—John Sweeney, Technical Editor
24 West 500 Maple Avenue, suite 108
Naperville, IL 60540
800-726-2140, 708-416-3530
Product: Options evaluation package with trading signals for the OEX.
PRICE: $795.Tradefinder: $195.Demo: $79.
Equipment: IBM compatible; DOS 3.0 or higher; Windows 3.1 (OS/2.1 if Windows is to be run under
OS/2); 1.7 megabytes on hard drive; 2 megabytes of RAM; VGA/EGA/ CGA or Hercules graphics; mouse.
Say, want a fast options trading program with a good OEX track record? Want something that can help
you analyze new options positions? Essex, better known for trading systems on currencies and financials,
has come up with Option Pro, a slick Windows 3.1 (not 3.0) program that meets these needs.
I found Option Pro to be very quick, at least on a Dell 486/33. Daily signals (Figure 1) took maybe five
seconds; five years' historical analysis took 11 seconds (Figure 2). In fact, it's so simple to nun and so fast
there's a sense of anti-climax. I found myself popping menus looking for something to do!
In the process, I found you could make nice graphs (Figure 3) with TRIN included. You could update your
data (OEX and TRIN) from any of six sources (Figure 4), including Signal's real-time datafeed, or you
could enter five numbers a day manually. You could print out voluminous reports on every conceivable
weirdly named position, reports you can carry with you during the day when you're away from your
machine. What the hey: Option Pro will even calculate TRIN for you if you can 't find it in your daily
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