V. 11:14 (579-581): MetaStock Real Time 3.5 by Thom Hartle and John Sweeney

V. 11:14 (579-581): MetaStock Real Time 3.5 by Thom Hartle and John Sweeney
Item# \V11\C14\PR579.PDF
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Product Description

MetaStock Real Time 3.5 by Thom Hartle and John Sweeney

Equis International Inc.

3950 South 700 East, Suite 100

Salt Lake City, UT 84107

Phone: 801-265-8886,800-882-3040

Product: Real-time quotes, technical analysis, graphics and system testing.

Price: Real Time, $495. Regular version (end of day), $349. Upgrade from 3.0, $49 to $89. For end-of-day quotes, DownLoader Signal specific, $39.

Equipment: Signal datafeed; Intel 286 or better machine (386 recommended) with 640K RAM conventional memory, hard drive with 3.2 megabytes (MB) or more, DOS 3.0 or better, EGA/VGA graphics. Supports up to 3 MB of Lotus/ Intel/Microsoft Expanded Memory Specification (LIM EMS) 4.0.

Over the years, MetaStock has grown into a true power-house, having bested in the market innumerable other entrepreneurs and several major corporations in its niche—data management, charting and technical analysis for retail (and many institutional) customers.

My theory for this is that folks were us attracted by the access to many data sources and the pricing; retained by ease of use and support; and kept excited by the regular stream of upgrades bubbling out of Salt Lake City. MetaStock brought movable graphic windows to the DOS world before before Microsoft did, built in nearly every indicator (more than 65) that any trader would use N and, when lagging in the ability to create indicators, quickly introduced a formula d builder and system testing capability that met the needs of most traders. The main users' manual is close to 500 pages and easy to follow, loaded with examples, suggested interpretations of indicators and tips for the user.

MetaStock RT seems to be the logical follow-on: a real-time package with all the features we're used to ticking away in real time. That sounds simple, but geez! it's real time . Anyway, how did the drudgery of installation go? Not worth talking about. Signal was already installed, and MetaStock installed itself. When I was ready to go real time, I shut down the Signal quote display program to avoid any port conflicts and then fired up MetaStock. I had been warned to turn off our Smart Drive terrninate-and-stay-resident (TSR), which I did.

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