V. 11:14 (561-566): SIDEBAR: WORKING WITH OS/2
Product Description
Having migrated back and forth among the old Digital Research's control program for microprocessors
(C/PM), Microsoft disk operating system (DOS) and the Macintosh for the last eight or nine years, I
greeted IBM's Operating System/2 (OS/2) with some suspicion. I'd already seen Windows and thought it
deficient. Now I was faced with IBM's version. That it came with 22 disks and occupied 27 megabytes
(MB) on our hard disk did nothing to allay my fears.
OS/2 has some good features if you must work with an IBM-compatible machine. For one thing, it can use
all the extra single inline memory modules (SIMMs) you can stuff into the machine. You can't assign more
than 640K to any one "session" (as IBM calls it; "window" to ordinary mortals), but each window gets far
more memory than it typically gets under DOS . Management of extended and expanded memory is
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