V. 11:14 (561-566): First Alert version 2.0 by John Sweeney

V. 11:14 (561-566): First Alert version 2.0 by John Sweeney
Item# \V11\C14\PR561.PDF
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Product Description

First Alert version 2.0 by John Sweeney

Roberts-Slade, Inc.

619 North 500 West

Provo, UT 84601

Phone: 801-375-6850,800-433-4276

Product: Real-time quotes, graphics, analysis

Price: $ 195 per month plus installation of $500; 10% off for annual payments in advance.

Equipment: IBM compatible machine, 386 or higher, with OS/2 2.0; 8-megabyte RAM, 120 MB hard drive, printer and serial port.

Datafeeds: Signal, Bonneville, Reuters, ComStock, PC Quote, Knight-Ridder.

There can never be too much information, too much of a hook to the action! Real-time trading systems cater to this yearning, and one of the prime competitors and first competitors is Roberts-Slade, Inc. (RSI), out of Provo, UT.

RSI, which was started more than 10 years ago in true started-in-a-garage entrepreneurial style, still leads in providing high-powered analytics to retail and institutional traders. First Alert is RSI's effort at exploiting the power of IBM's fairly new operating system, OS/2. OS/2 brings to the DOS world a variation of the Macintosh operating interface, which makes running First Alert more pleasant and effective. Generally, both First Alert and OS/2 succeed.

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