V. 11:14 (557-557): Quick-Scans: PERSONAL STOCK TECHNICIAN
Product Description
Personal Stock Technician has standard indicators as well as a brief manual with a great table of
Version 1.01
RazorLogic Systems
P.O. Box 112
Kneeland, CA 95549
Phone: 800 500-0444
Fax: 707 668-4055
Online order: 707 668-4028
Product: Stock market technical analysis and tracking software
Equipment requirements: IBM PC, XT, AT, Ps/1 or 2 or 100% compatible. D OS 3.1 or higher.512K
RAM. Monochrome or color graphics card (Hercules, CGA/ EGA/VGA).
Data: Dow Jones News/Retrieval, CompuServe, Prodigy or keyboard entry
Price: $99.50 retail. Direct: $69.00
Easy data access, quick and easy charting, some indicators, maybe even a projection or two, all preferably
for not a lot of money. Sound familiar? These are often the requirements to start using a computer to
trade. At this stage, to use an analogy, you probably don't want to buy a $2,600 Hasselblad camera when
you can get by with a $39 Fuji. Personal Stock Technician fills this need and throws in nifty bells and
whistles besides.
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