V. 11:14 (559-560): Quick-Scans: FREESTYLE TRADER Version 1.13

V. 11:14 (559-560): Quick-Scans: FREESTYLE TRADER Version 1.13
Item# \V11\C14\PR559.PDF
Availability: In Stock

Product Description


Ondossagon Software

Route 1, Box 145F

Washburn, WI 54891

Phone: 715 373-5438

Product: Visual programming system for trading analysis

Equipment requirements: Apple Macintosh with System 7.0 or later, 4 MB RAM and a hard drive.

Price: $169

What would a product, developed far away from the hustle and bustle of the financial centers, trading via computer links, be like as a trading package? Rich Schroedel has created a unique package, completely graphic, which runs on the graphics platform of Apple's Macintosh computers. Freestyle Trader is designed to make the creation of indicators and their graphs completely, well, graphic. No (or little) formulating or typing is needed.

For example, Figure 1. First, pop up a node that reads "graphic window." Then get a node that says "graph." Finally, add a node that says "Use the S&P." Draw arrows between them to indicate they are related and dependent on each other. Adding an average is just as simple: pop up an average node — conveniently available from a list (Figure 2) — specify the days and hook it into the graphs and data nodes (Figure 3). Select RUN: Figure 4.

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