V. 11:14 (548-550): Quick-Scans: PROFESSIONAL BREAKOUT SYSTEM, VERSION 3.11

V. 11:14 (548-550): Quick-Scans: PROFESSIONAL BREAKOUT SYSTEM, VERSION 3.11
Item# \V11\C14\PR548.PDF
Availability: In Stock

Product Description


Byte Research and Trading

RR 2

Riverhead, NY 11901-9501

(516) 722-5407

Product: A trading system that generates buy and sell signals based on volatility

Price: $385; 30-day money-back guarantee. Free demo disk is also available.

Requirements: IBM-PC or compatible with a minimum of 512K RAM. EGA/ VGA monitor. Any dot-matrix or laser printer. Program reads CSI, CompuTrac, MetaStock and ASCII data formats.

Whether using moving averages, trading ranges, channels or oscillators, breakout systems are among the oldest developed by traders. Steve Notis, the program developer of the Professional Breakout System (PBS), makes no bones about the fact that PBS contains six variations of breakout trading logic, each of which have been sold by others as separate systems. So is this just another ploy to part you and your money? Notis claims not. He has combined what he considers the best trading algorithms with the best confirming indicators in an easy-to-use graphics program for stocks and commodities.

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