V.18:11 (104-105): Traders’ Resource: Hardware

V.18:11 (104-105): Traders’ Resource: Hardware
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Traders’ Resource: Hardware

Hardware choices these days often boil down to getting the fastest processor and the most memory you can afford, together with a cable connection or another high-bandwidth connection for quotes. Dual processors aren’t too much for some of the software that’s available for traders. The new LCD screens are much easier on the eyes, so pay up for those. That said, the vendors listed here can supply you with some tweaks, such as customized trading setups and multiple-monitor setups.

Regarding multiple monitors, you’ll probably want to have Windows 98 or later installed on your machine to make the smoothest transition. Win 98 has built-in features for multiple monitors, but Win 95 and earlier rely on the vendors’ own software.

Finally, don’t ignore the ergonomics of your setup, especially if you’re daytrading. You’re going to spend a lot of time at your desk, and it had better be comfortable and suitable for your needs. Custom-fit your seating first, then build the desk and displays around that. Phone setups should be one-button connections and headsets leave your hands free. Generally, incandescent light will be easier on your eyes than fluorescent. After that, though, whether you succeed is up to you.

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