Stocks & Commodities V. 40:06 (32–38): The Brogans Of The Brogan Group Equity Research by Karl Montevirgen

Stocks & Commodities V. 40:06 (32–38): The Brogans Of The Brogan Group Equity Research by Karl Montevirgen
Item# V40C06_441INTE
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Product Description

The Brogans Of The Brogan Group Equity Research by Karl Montevirgen

It’s a family affair: Bob Brogan Sr., Terence Brogan, and Rob Brogan Jr. run The Brogan Group Equity Research (BGER), a division of Wellington Shields & Co. The firm offers decades of experience as institutional market technicians, publishing daily research based on money flow and relative performance and providing buy and sell recommendations on stocks, commodities, currencies, and fixed income. We spoke with them about their path to discovering their money flow and relative performance analytics approach to market analysis ...

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