Stocks & Commodities V. 38:03 (4044, 47): The World Of Technology: QQQ Powering Ahead by Leslie N. Masonson

Stocks & Commodities V. 38:03 (4044, 47): The World Of Technology: QQQ Powering Ahead by Leslie N. Masonson
Item# V38C03_015MASO
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Product Description

The World Of Technology: QQQ Powering Ahead by Leslie N. Masonson

Do you want to participate in the possible future growth of technology stocks without having to take on the effort and risk of individual stock selection? Heres a close-up look at the QQQ, the ETF that holds many Nasdaq technology stocks. We look at its components, its characteristics, and compare it to other similar or competing ETFs.

In 2019, the three major stock market averages rocketed higher, after first tumbling nearly 20% in the fourth quarter of 2018. In particular, the Nasdaq Composite was the clear leader with an advance of 35.2%, its best performance since 2013 when it rose 38% ...

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