Stocks & Commodities V. 38:13 (18–27, 31): Interview: A Conversation With Ziad Jasani by Leslie N. Masonson

Stocks & Commodities V. 38:13 (18–27, 31): Interview: A Conversation With Ziad Jasani by Leslie N. Masonson
Item# V38C13_025INTE
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Interview: A Conversation With Ziad Jasani by Leslie N. Masonson

Ziad Jasani became a self-directed investor in 2008 and experienced an intensive education by training with top portfolio managers and trading mentors. He is currently Managing Director and Head Swing Trader of the Independent Investor Institute, which he co-founded in 2011. Recently, he merged his business with to start offering education and insight on a global scale. Its focus is to provide day and swing trading education to novice and advanced traders through a daily multi-session online trading room.

Prior to starting the Institute, Jasani owned and managed retail establish-ments, as well as having had a successful executive career in the consumer packaged goods industry, growing product portfolios at a double-digit pace. Members who subscribe to his service have been with him for many years because of the value he provides to them. Moreover, Jasani polls members during the day on various decisions, and that provides a community feeling and adds value to the service. Above all, Jasani provides objective, unbiased market insight and always points out his own errors or missed calls, which is not often seen and certainly a rarity in the industry.

STOCKS & COMMODITIES Contributing Writer and ETF columnist Leslie N. Masonson interviewed Ziad Jasani on December 23, 2019 to discuss his educational day and swing trading service and his unique model-based, heavily researched methodology.

After graduating from the Schulich School of Business in 2001 with a BBA in finance, economics, and marketing, you had a series of successful entrepreneurial and corporate experiences. When and why did you decide to give all that up and change careers to become a trader?
It was quite an unexpected journey for me into the world of trading. Shortly after immigrating to Canada at the age of 10, I started working in family businesses that my dad built, small things like variety stores and restaurants ...

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