Stocks & Commodities V. 37:03 (42–45, 55): Sector-Rotation ETFs Underperform by Leslie N. Masonson

Stocks & Commodities V. 37:03 (42–45, 55): Sector-Rotation ETFs Underperform by Leslie N. Masonson
Item# V37C03_819MASO
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Product Description

Sector-Rotation ETFs Underperform by Leslie N. Masonson

Rotating into leading sectors while switching to a defensive position in downturns is an ideal tactic if it can be implemented successfully, but can it? Are there any ETFs that have succeeded with it? If there are, they could save you the work of implementing the approach yourself, so we’ll investigate.

Sector investing has been popular since Fidelity introduced its sector mutual funds in the mid-1980s, and even more so with the offering of nine popular SPDR sector ETFs in 1999. Since then many more have been made available from multiple ETF providers ...

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