Stocks & Commodities V. 36:13 (40–42): How Far Down Can It Go? by Rudy Teseo
Product Description
How Far Down Can It Go? by Rudy Teseo
Not many people worry about how high a market can go. It can go on indefinitely. And while technically, a market could potentially fall to zero, the chance of that happening is slim. Fibonacci retracement levels are a handy reference guide to have when you try to figure out how low a market could go. Find out here how to apply them.
The next market correction is coming. Are you ready for it? To answer that question, it might help to know how far down the market would or could go. If the market goes down one or two percent, most traders would probably not do anything except watch to see if it’s going to go down even further. But how would you know if it’s going to go down further?
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