Stocks & Commodities V. 36:11 (28 –31, 36): Diamonds Are A Trader’s Best Friend by Igor R. Toshchakov

Stocks & Commodities V. 36:11 (28 –31, 36): Diamonds Are A Trader’s Best Friend by Igor R. Toshchakov
Item# V36C11_748TOSH
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Product Description

Diamonds Are A Trader’s Best Friend by Igor R. Toshchakov

The diamond pattern is a classic chart formation yet it is often misunderstood and underestimated. Here’s a deep dive into diamonds.

Dozens or perhaps even hundreds of books have been written and published over the last several decades depicting classic technical analysis patterns and their practical application for trading in various financial markets. Despite such a large variety of reading choices and of what seems like plenty of useful information readily available for market practitioners of any kind, those books and other sources of information are often full of misconceptions and factual errors ...

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