Stocks & Commodities V. 36:02 (26–28, 40): What’s The Fib Pinball? by Avi Gilburt

Stocks & Commodities V. 36:02 (26–28, 40): What’s The Fib Pinball? by Avi Gilburt
Item# V36C02_593GILB
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Product Description

What’s The Fib Pinball? by Avi Gilburt

When you pull the lever in pinball, the ball caroms between the game’s bumpers, like stock market prices zigzagging within price channels and meeting resistance at Fibonacci levels. Here’s a look at how market sentiment, Elliott wave analysis, and Fibonacci ratios were used to successfully forecast the post-election markets.

If you are like most in the market, you probably believed Hillary Clinton was going to win the presidential election in November 2016, that the stock market would rally because of it, and that gold would tank. And you were also told that if Donald Trump were able to pull off a win, then the market would tank and gold would skyrocket. These perspectives were based solidly in various fundamental perspectives that dictated these market expectations ...

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