Stocks & Commodities V. 35:09 (60–62): Why Most Traders Fail (And Why You Won’t) by Stephen Burnich

Stocks & Commodities V. 35:09 (60–62): Why Most Traders Fail (And Why You Won’t) by Stephen Burnich
Item# V35C09_519BURN
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Product Description

Why Most Traders Fail (And Why You Won’t) by Stephen Burnich

It’s often said that most traders fail or never get to the point of having consistent profits. But the chances of beating these odds may be more attainable than you think.

We’ve all heard that the majority of traders never become consistently successful. But I believe that most traders never really give themselves a chance to be winners. Most likely, they’ve started with a lottery mindset that goes something like this: “Trading seems like easy money … I’ll just throw a couple thousand dollars into my brokerage account and see what happens, ” or “If I can just find that one big winner, then I’ll be able to retire on the beach.” Too many people have been lured into trading by so-called gurus who make claims of massive profits and promise that you can too, and with very little effort ...

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