Stocks & Commodities V. 35:02 (20–21, 31): Seasonal Play In Crude Brings Cheer by James Cordier and Michael Gross

Stocks & Commodities V. 35:02 (20–21, 31): Seasonal Play In Crude Brings Cheer by James Cordier and Michael Gross
Item# V35C02_375CORD
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Product Description

Seasonal Play In Crude Brings Cheer by James Cordier and Michael Gross

While OPEC deals are all the talk, the real fundamentals moving crude prices are often predictably cyclical. Here is how to capitalize as we start 2017.

Seasonal tendencies in commodities can be one of the most powerful forces you can harness to if you wish to master the art of commodities trading. And of all the commodities, there is none with more pronounced seasonal tendencies than the energy markets. This is because demand for energy changes with the weather, and thus, with the seasons. You have higher demand for heating fuel in winter and higher demand for travel and air conditioning fuel in the summer. And of all the energy markets, none are more sensitive to these demand cycles than crude oil, which is why we chose to focus on this specific market ...

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