Stocks & Commodities V. 34:09 (60–61): Seven Steps To Becoming A Trading Master by Santhosh Kumar V.

Stocks & Commodities V. 34:09 (60–61): Seven Steps To Becoming A Trading Master by Santhosh Kumar V.
Item# V34C09_295KUMA
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Seven Steps To Becoming A Trading Master by Santhosh Kumar V.

Reach for the stars! Don’t give up on the quest for success. Everyone must go through a similar learning curve, and you should know that you’re not alone in this journey to achieve “successful trader” status.

It's easy to think that the market is all about making money. That’s the reason most people are attracted to the stock market in the first place. And it seems like an easy thing to do. But the reality is that you have to go through a learning curve, no matter your background or level of expertise. Once you start dabbling in the markets, there’ll be times when it can be fun and other times when you could get kicked in the face and get hit with a dose of reality...

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