Stocks & Commodities V. 34:12 (44, 46–48): Denham Ward & Marge Sherald On Machines That Think by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

Stocks & Commodities V. 34:12 (44, 46–48): Denham Ward & Marge Sherald On Machines That Think by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Item# V34C12_345INTE
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Product Description

Denham Ward & Marge Sherald On Machines That Think by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

How can the intelligence of machines help you in your trading? As it turns out, with the help of neural networks, you can use your software to mimic how you think. To help shed light on the subject, we picked the brains of two people who have the knowledge and expertise in applying neural networks to the financial markets.

Denham Ward is CEO of Ward Systems Group. He started in the neural network field programming neural network hardware acceleration boards for Ward Systems Group over a college summer break. He then worked at the University of Colorado applying neural networks in medical and anesthesiology research. After graduating with a master’s degree in electrical engineering, he began working with Ward Systems Group as the lead developer of NeuroShell Trader before becoming CEO.

Marge Sherald is president of Ward Systems Group and has authored several articles on financial forecasting, expert systems, and neural networks. She teaches NeuroShell Trader seminars and assists customers in developing trading models. She creates training videos and documentation for both NeuroShell Trader and their general purpose artificial intelligence software. Sherald has a BS in communications and computer science.

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