Stocks & Commodities V. 34:08 (30–33): Richard Demille Wyckoff Part 5 by Stella Osoba, CMT

Stocks & Commodities V. 34:08 (30–33): Richard Demille Wyckoff Part 5 by Stella Osoba, CMT
Item# V34C08_267OSOB
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Product Description

Richard Demille Wyckoff Part 5 by Stella Osoba, CMT

In this final part of our series about Richard D. Wyckoff, we look at his latter years - the changes he faced and how that affected his thoughts on investing.

"Most men make money in their own line of business and lose it in the other fellow’s. Nevertheless, we gain in such losses what is often more valuable than money." - Richard D. Wyckoff

This five-part series on Richard D. Wyckoff would not be complete without mention of some of his exploits outside of what he is commonly best known for - trading and investing. It is to his activities in the phonographic industry and his disastrous encounter with a would-be opera singer who, until her marriage, went by the name of Cecelia Gertrude Shere (also sometimes found as "Shear") and whom Time magazine would come to call "the prima donna of Wall Street" that I shall now turn...

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