Stocks & Commodities V. 34:09 (34, 36–38): Talking Cycles With Jeffrey Hirsch by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

Stocks & Commodities V. 34:09 (34, 36–38): Talking Cycles With Jeffrey Hirsch by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan
Item# V34C09_286INTE
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Product Description

Talking Cycles With Jeffrey Hirsch by Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan

Jeffrey A. Hirsch is CEO of Hirsch Holdings; editor-in-chief of the Stock Trader’s Almanac and Almanac Investor eNewsletter at; research consultant at Probabilities Fund Management, LLC; and a Yahoo Finance contributor. He is the author of The Little Book Of Stock Market Cycles (Wiley, 2012) and Super Boom: Why The dow Will Hit 38,820 And How You Can Profit From It (Wiley, 2011). Hirsch is a 26-year Wall Street veteran. He took over from his father, Almanac founder Yale Hirsch, in 2001 and regularly appears on CNBC, Bloomberg, Fox Business, and many other financial media outlets.

STOCKS & COMMODITIES Editor Jayanthi Gopalakrishnan spoke with Jeff Hirsch via phone on June 29, 2016 about the nature of market cycles, including during US Presidential election years, especially since we find ourselves in one again.

Jeff, I last spoke to you a couple of years ago but given that we are approaching a presidential election I thought we should talk again to hear your thoughts about the markets with the perspective of the elections. But first, could you start out by giving us a brief background of your company, how your father started it, and where it is now?
Back in 1966, my father, Yale Hirsch, left Indicator Digest, which was a service started in 1961 by his cousin, Sam Coslow. The Digest became a proving ground for analysts and writers, and continued to be that for many years. And given that the business had taken off with him, Yale had the idea to go out on his own and take all the indicators and put them together in a calendar format so that others could follow the market schedule along with their own schedules...

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