Stocks & Commodities V. 34:02 (28–30): Why Do Traders Love Binary Options? by Gail Mercer

Stocks & Commodities V. 34:02 (28–30): Why Do Traders Love Binary Options? by Gail Mercer
Item# V34C02_148MERC
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Product Description

Why Do Traders Love Binary Options? by Gail Mercer

The answer is simple—you can avoid most pitfalls that cause failure in trading.

The reason traders love binary options is simple. Most pitfalls that cause a trader to fail can be avoided with binary options. This gives the trader a greater chance of success. Most traders fail for one or more of the following reasons:

1. They are undercapitalized. Most traders only have $5,000–15,000 to initially fund their accounts. They need to make enough money to support themselves and their families. Each week is going to present at least two to three days of sideways movement. Sideways movement will cause them to lose money in the form of losing trades. If a trader starts with $5,000, and has five consecutive losing days, he could be down 30% in his account (or $1,500) if risking only $100 per trade, three trades per day...

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