Stocks & Commodities V. 34:08 (26–29): The Middle-High-Low Moving Average by Vitali Apirine

Stocks & Commodities V. 34:08 (26–29): The Middle-High-Low Moving Average by Vitali Apirine
Item# V34C08_266APIR
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Product Description

The Middle-High-Low Moving Average by Vitali Apirine

Sure, you know moving averages inside out, but maybe it’s time to change things up a bit. Here, we look at how you can apply a moving average to an existing moving average.

Middle, high, low? It may sound odd, but it’s actually not. Just as other types of moving averages do, the middle-high-low moving average (MHL MA) smoothes the price data to form a trend-following indicator. So how is it different from other moving averages? The main difference is that it’s based on the middle of the high–low range. Also, it can be used in combination with the most popular types of moving averages, such as the simple moving average (SMA) or exponential moving average (EMA). For example, you could use the MHL EMA and EMA together, or the MHL SMA alongside the SMA to generate crossover signals. The pairs of moving averages will have the same length...

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