Stocks & Commodities V. 33:07 (7): Letters to S&C by Technical Analysis, Inc.

Stocks & Commodities V. 33:07 (7): Letters to S&C by Technical Analysis, Inc.
Item# V33C07_020LETT
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Product Description

Letters to S&C by Technical Analysis, Inc.



I am a successful and avid futures trader of the US market indexes and have used R.N. Elliott’s and Fibonacci teachings for over 15 years in my trading. More than as a way to make profits, I am a student of price change, and Pauline Novak-Reich’s article in the Bonus Issue of S&C (“Squares & Waves”) interested me greatly in the time and vibration characteristics. I have made many efforts to study time by Fibonacci and cycle methods and have been only moderately successful in that work. I devoured Bryce Gilmore’s S&C article many years ago to get started (“Wave Market Analysis,” parts 1 & 2, February and March 1988), and Novak-Reich’s research on the square of nine is on my list for this year.

I would be very happy to receive the Excel file of the square of nine mentioned at the end of the article if possible and also to get information on when her book Odyssey Of Sacred Knowledge will be available. I have already purchased Nature’s Black Box.

Robert Berish

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