Stocks & Commodities V. 33:06 (60–62): A True Odyssey by Robert Cocchiola

Stocks & Commodities V. 33:06 (60–62): A True Odyssey by Robert Cocchiola
Item# V33C06_017COCC
Availability: In Stock

Product Description

A True Odyssey by Robert Cocchiola

Slaying The Dragon

Here is a tale of one trader’s quest for knowledge about the oil market as he sought to ride with the bulls and reap the profits.

Most of us are familiar with the legendary ancient Greek hero Odysseus and his famous adventure described in Homer’s epic poem “Odyssey.” Another mythological ancient Greek hero by the name of Jason had a quest of his own. It seems that Jason was damaged by powerful forces and had to redeem himself by searching for the “golden fleece.” This was no small feat, as the golden fleece was defended by bulls with hooves of brass and breath of fire. It was also guarded by a never-sleeping dragon.


You’re probably wondering what ancient Greek tragedies have to do with trading. Have you seen the oil futures market? I daytraded it when I was not yet wise to the ways of trading, and it fleeced me of my gold! And that stuff about bulls with brass hooves and a dragon—well, in a sense, it’s all true. I was a victim of a tragedy just like Jason was. The market took my money and kept it away from me with monsters so I couldn’t get it back.

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