Stocks & Commodities V. 33:07 (4245): Product Review: JBL Risk Manager 9.0 by Barbara Star, PhD
Product Description
Product Review: JBL Risk Manager 9.0 by Barbara Star, PhD
Malvern, Victoria 3144 Australia
Phone: +61 3 9013 4123, Mobile: +61 4 0938 7317
Skype: barrington-lew
Product: Money, risk, & trade management software
Price: Free 14-day fully functional trial period; one-time cost AUD$299 with free upgrades for the first 12 months.
The best way to avoid blowing out your trading account is to develop a consistent method of maintaining control over your trading losses. Many traders think that using stop-losses alone will do the trick, but thats only one part of the equation. Successful equity protection involves account management, position sizing, and sector balance as well as good exit strategies. Program developer Joseph Barrington-Lew (JBL) created the JBL Risk Manager software to incorporate all of those factors, and more, in an easy-to-use format.
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